I want to make it so the big guy in the video doesn’t slide around
In the video you can see that he slightly slides to the camera, in some cases he flings out of the map but it isn’t caught in the video
the only part that is collidable in all units is the head
--grab, unit is the big guy; enemy is the guy being grabbed
for i, v in pairs(enemy:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
v.CollisionGroup = "InGrab" --ingrab cannot collide with anythin
v.CanCollide = false
v.Massless = true
enemy.PrimaryPart.CFrame = unit["Right Hand"].GrabAttachment.WorldCFrame
local Weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
Weld.Parent = unit
Weld.Part0 = unit:FindFirstChild("Right Hand")
Weld.Part1 = enemy.PrimaryPart
npcModule.disconnectCon(unit, "rocksEvent")
local slamInfo = uStats.Attributes["Slam"]
local rocksEvent = uStats.Anims["AttackAnim"]:GetMarkerReachedSignal("Rocks"):Connect(function()
local location = (unit["Right Hand"].GrabAttachment.WorldPosition) - Vector3.new(0, 2.5, 0)
PlayEffectEvent:FireAllClients("Rocks",{location, slamInfo["RocksRadius"], Vector3.new(3, 1.5, 3), nil, 10, false, 3})
if unit.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("RocksSound") then unit.HumanoidRootPart.RocksSound:Play() end
doDamage(unit, enemy, slamInfo["Damage"], slamInfo["AttackAOE"], true)
npcModule.addUnitStat(unit, "Con", "rocksEvent", rocksEvent)
--------------------------LET GO----------------------
for i, v in pairs(enemy:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
v.CollisionGroup = "Unit" -- collides with default, not with other units
I have tried to the unit no collide, massless, made a collision group called “InGrab” which can collide with nothing