Hello! If you’re unaware, Roblox is planning to private the already existing audio(longer than 6 seconds which isn’t owned by the creator, Roblox, or a partner(such as Monstercat)). Due to this change, many developers are trying to replace their current audio ids with their own.
Why I created this post:
I have found a way to grab the actual audio URL using the Roblox search API. Although this method only works for public audio, which means it will stop working after 22 of march.
Pasting the audio URL in your browser, then pressing Ctrl+S(or right-click > Save audio as) allows you to download it
Anyways, here’s the code:
--Http requests must be enabled(run game.HttpService.HttpEnabled = true in the console)
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local id = 142376088
function proxy(url)
--change roproxy.com with your desired proxy
return url:gsub("roblox.com", "roproxy.com")
local whitelisted_errors = {"HttpError: InvalidRedirect", "HttpError: InvalidUrl",
"HTTP 400 (Bad Request)", "HTTP 500(Internal Server Error)"}
function GET(url, attempts)
attempts = attempts or 10 --10 is max default attempts
local success, result = pcall(function()
return HttpService:GetAsync(proxy(url))
if success then
--return HttpService:JSONDecode(result)
return result
elseif table.find(whitelisted_errors, result) then
return nil
if attempts > 1 then
return GET(url, attempts-1)
warn("max attempts reached")
return nil
function search(id)
local info = GET("https://api.roblox.com/marketplace/productinfo?assetId="..id)
if not info then return 1 end --id doesn't exist
info = HttpService:JSONDecode(info)
if info.AssetTypeId ~= 3 then return 2 end --id isn't a sound
local CreatorID, Keyword = info.Creator.Id, info.Name
local pagesUrl = "https://search.roblox.com/catalog/json?CatalogContext=2&Category=9&CreatorID=%d&Keyword=%s&PageNumber=%d"
local function pageSearch(num)
local assets = GET(pagesUrl:format(CreatorID, Keyword, num))
return HttpService:JSONDecode(assets)
local current = 1 --current page
while true do
print("searching page "..current)
local assets = pageSearch(current)
if #assets == 0 then return 3 end --id is private
for _, asset in pairs(assets) do
if asset.AssetId == id then
return asset
current += 1
local errors = {"Invalid id", "Not an audio id", "Audio is private"}
local asset = search(id)
if tonumber(asset) then
print(asset.Name.." audio url is: "..asset.AudioUrl)
UPDATE: I released a version that used to work for private audio as well(it uses website scraping instead of the SearchAPI)
--keep proxy and GET code from the other method
local id = 142376088
function cut(text, start, ending)
return text:split(start)[2]:split(ending)[1]
function parseNameAndUrl(infoPage)
local name = cut(infoPage, "class=\"plugin-title\">", "</h3>")
local url = cut(infoPage, "<a href=\"", "\" class=\"plugin-image\" >")
return name, url
function search(id)
local infoPage = GET("https://www.roblox.com/studio/plugins/info?assetId="..id)
if not infoPage then return 1 end --id doesn't exist
local asset = {}
asset.Name, asset.AbsoluteUrl = parseNameAndUrl(infoPage)
local webpage = GET(asset.AbsoluteUrl)
if not webpage then return 2 end --id isn't a sound
local urls = webpage:split("url=\"")
for _, url in pairs(urls) do
url = url:sub(1, url:find("\"")-1)
if url:find("rbxcdn") then
asset.AudioUrl = url
return asset
return 2 --id isn't a sound
local errors = {"Audio doesn't exist", "This isn't an audio id"}
local asset = search(id)
if tonumber(asset) then
print(asset.Name.." audio url is: "..asset.AudioUrl)
Both methods SearchAPI and website scrap can be found inside the game demo.
Audio that goes private after the 22nd of March will most likely not be playable on-site too according to the announcement (only metadata will remain), so this method likely won’t work after the 22nd of March rither.
It got, I was getting errors of please grant audio permission to be used in this place which i cannot configure due to i not having permission in my place, But also that audio is less than 6 second so idk
I don’t believe that will work for anything more than 6 seconds anymore.
Any audio that’s longer than that will have the play button removed from the website, making it completely unplayable. Without the play button, getting the CDN link is more than likely impossible.
In the future, solutions might be thought of to get the CDN links (and there might even be some already). The only we can do right now is be patient, I think.
Umm yes there’s no play button but it does download a file that has no extension which could be added a .mp3 extension,I tried this on Music that builds which when i published turns out error to grant asset permision