Scrolling through collaboration, I’ve been seeing so many developers using unprofessional terms in portfolios, and lacking with grammar and spelling all throughout their posts.
Some examples would be:
-I try to be part of your development team
-Your discord sisnt work
-hi ceo of gamer robot is there free trial??
At first, I suspected most of these people were foreign and trying to learn English but I’m starting to think a lot of underage people are trying to join the developer forum.
To note: about a year ago these things were way less common.
What are your thoughts, developer forum members?
If you find the examples listed here, please don’t harass the people, they are probably just kids/ people not bothering to check their posts
I personally don’t think that it’s really important, all the examples you listed are just simple mistakes that most young kids do. I don’t think it should be frowned upon, I think it should be considered mistakes.
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But then again, young kids shouldn’t be on the developer forum since its a 13+ platform for developers to communicate about different things, and kids SPECIFICALLY should be on collaboration because many real jobs can be found there.
Also, if you are not a kid grammar/spelling mistakes show an impression that you are unprofessional in your work(most of the time)
I actually consider 13-15 young, so maybe that’s where i’m wrong? But I do agree with this, but then again you can’t really blame a 13 year old for having bad grammar, they’re still learning proper grammar, they can’t have amazing grammar right as they turn 13.
Ah, I see. I consider 8-11 a young kid but I think that’s where i didn’t get you. I guess maybe some people don’t grow up in a community where they always had access to devices, because devices really improved my grammar at a young age.
I’ll admit that it gets annoying sometimes but I can almost always understand what the other person is trying to say. A lot of people here might not speak English (they might use Google Translate) so I wouldn’t want to make a rule against having bad grammar.
I honestly don’t mind it much. I’ve met a ton of people over 13yo that still had bad grammar. Perhaps younger kids may be getting into this category, but we can’t know for sure.
I don’t think there should be any rule on it. The examples that you gave are easily understandable, and that’s how a lot of people tend to talk here. It may signal unprofessional behavior, but honestly, if you do good work and have a positive attitude, bad grammar is the least of my concerns (and I’m sure this also applies to a lot of regular Collaboration users).
Grammar generally shows how serious you are. I don’t mind problems when people speak English badly because it’s not their native language. I also hate it when people put infinite lols and xds everywhere.
I honestly think it’s a bad idea.
We all know what we are saying and removing the freedom of speech on the developer forum to more strict Moderation is a terrible idea in my opinion.