Grandè | Training Guide

:spiral_notepad: Trianing Guide

The following document includes information for hosting/co-hosting/training. This guide must be used during a training session, if it is not you may risk demotion or suspension. This is for Grandé HR’s and MR’s to use when hosting a training session, if you are not this rank, reading this document doesn’t help you in anyway in your trainings.

Training Session start requirements
To start a session you must have the following: A Host, Co-Host and 2-3 Trainers and a Supervisor minimum.


Any text in a blockquote like this will be needed to be copied and pasted.

Any text in this will be a command which needs to be sent via the command bar, which can be opened by clicking '

Announcing a session

Announcing a session

Before the session begins (roughly 15-20) minutes before you will need to announce the session! This allows people to know the trainings are happening and then they can join. Please allow at least 15 minutes for Trainees to join.

Starting announcement (group shout)

[TRAINING] - Want a promotion? Head on down to the Training Centre to get a promotion. The session will be starting and slocked in 15 minutes.

Starting announcement (discord)

[TRAININGS] - Want a promotion? Head on down to the Training Centre to get a promotion. The session will be starting and slocked in 15 minutes. Only Trainees may attend.

Link: link to training centre

Slocked announcement (group shout)

[TRAININGS] - Unfortunately trainings are slocked! We are sorry if you couldn’t attend! We will have more sessions in the near future! Why not go down to the Cafe while you wait for the next session.

Concluding announcement (group shout)

[TRAININGS] - Trainings have now been concluded! I’d like to thank all those who attended! Why not head on down to the Cafe for a nice Hot Chocolate!

Starting the trainings / slocking process

When you have set the Slocked Group Shout you should lock the server by using the command bar which can be opened by clicking and say slock

Host and Co-Host starting procedure

Before the Trainees join the Host must give a role to the staff who join first. If there is enough Trainers (max 5) then they must supervise or leave.

5 minutes before the session starts the Co-Host must name (user) Group(Letter)

The Co-Host must share the trainees. out equally.

Staff join times

The Host and Co-Host must join at xx:25 and staff may join at xx:30. Then trainees shall be allowed to join at either xx:45 or xx:40 depending on staff. A training must start at xx:00. For example: A training at 12PM BST. Host and Co-Host join at 11:25AM BST. Staff join at 11:30AM BST and the trainees must be allowed to join at either 11:45AM BST or 11:40AM BST

Session Introduction

Session Introduction

You may use ;m for the following statements. You must use the command bar!
Each comment will have either Host or Co-Host above it, which ever is above it is who should say the statement.


Salutations! Welcome to today’s training session! My name is [username] and along side me is my Co-Host [username] and behind me are my trusty trainers.


Hello! I’m [username]! I’m your Co-Host for this session. Before we begin this session I will be going through some rules for you all!


[I] - Please use grammar and punctuation throughout all of this session. You will be kicked/warned if you fail to do so.

[II] - Please DO NOT be rude to any other trainees or trainers or any staff in this session.

[III] - Please be patient, our staff today and myself have taken time out of own days to train you all.

[IV] - You will have 2 warnings and a 3rd will be a kick. Please abide by all rules given!

[V] - Do not walk around unless you have been given permission to do so!

That’s all of the rules from me! I’d like to wish you all luck and I’m going to hand you back to the Host


Thank you all for paying attention during the rules and introduction! We will be starting shortly!

I will be giving out a bit more information for those who was AFK or did not listen to the rules.

You must listen to staff members, you must be polite and respectful to everyone in this session and you must be patient.

This session can now begin! Please may all trainers go to their stations and can all Trainees stay seated.

Wait for trainers to be ready at stations, then proceed.

Trainees, you may now go to your allocated group. Your group is above your head. I wish you all luck!

Trainer Procedure

Trainer Procedure

You are a trainer, your job is to train the Trainees so that they are fully aware of how to work at Grandè. A trainee requires 7 points to pass.

Hello, my name is [username]! I will be your trainer for today. I will quickly give you some tips before we start.

Please use grammar and punctuation at all times.

You will have 2 grammar strikes, the third strike will be a automatic failure and kick.

Trolling during this training can and will get you kicked and even result in a blacklist.

If you need to go AFK please tell me as I am not allowed to repeat any information.

Are there any questions before we begin?

Great! Now we may begin our first section. Please wait while I prepare.


This section is so I can see what your greeting is.

A greeting looks like this: Hello! My name is Jason. Welcome to Grandè. How can I help you on this fine day?

You all have a minute to prepare your greeting. When I approach you, you must state your greeting.

Great! Thank you all for cooperating. Are there any question before we move on?



This stage is so we know how you are as an employee and how you will deal with such situations.

First of all we will have a Normal Day Customer role-play. You will be asked to get 1-2 items. We can not repeat the items.

Secondly we will have a troller role-play. You are to give the troller 3 warnings. To stimulate this say gives warning.

To warn a customer say ;warn (user), after 3 warns the system will automatically kick them. If they return you must get a HR to ban.

Lastly we will have an exploiter role-play. An exploiter gets no warnings and you need to screenshot and report it immediately.

To simulate a screenshot say: takes screenshot.

We will now start with the Normal Day Customer role-play. Please state your greeting when I approach you.

You now approach a Trainee and wait for their greeting then ask for 1-2 items off of our menu. Once finished with all Trainees proceed.

Thank you all for cooperating. We will now move onto the Troller role-play. When I approach you state your greeting.

Do NOT be rude or mean to the Trainee or go overboard. Do NOT say anything that could hurt their feelings. Proceed when done with all Trainees.

Great! We will not move onto the exploiter role-play. Please state your greeting when I approach you.

*Do NOT use actual commands for this role-play. Say stuff like flies or exploits or kicks everyone or jumps everyone. Proceed when done with all trainees.

Great we have finished this section. We now will move onto the third and final section.

1 POINT PER ROLE-PLAY (3 points in total)


We are now on the last and final section for today’s session. I will PM you all with a question. Please respond as quick as possible.

For the following you will require to use the command bar to send PMs.

The command is:
pm (user) (question)

How many warnings does a Troller get and what happens when they reach the that amount of warnings?

Do you warn an Exploiter?

What is your greeting?

How would you deal with a staff member abusing their powers?

1 POINT PER QUESTION (4 in total)

Wait for all trainees to finish and proceed.

Great! You have all finished this training. I will now decide who has passed.

*Now you need to decide whether your trainees have passed. They must have 7 out of 8 points to pass or 8 out of 8 points to pass.

You have passed today’s training session. If you could please follow me so you can get ranked.

I’m sorry to say, but you have failed today’s training session due to lack of grammar and maximum grammatical strikes.

I’m sorry to say, but you have failed today’s training session due to insufficient amount of points.

Please note you can try again in the near future.

kick [username] Failed training session

Promoting passing trainees

Promoting Passing trainees

Congratulations! Well done for passing. Please allow a few moments while I rank you. Please do not leave yet as I still have some information, your interviewer may or may not have already given you.

You must use grammar and punctuations at all times.

You will be ranked Junior Barista now. You are now able to work at the Cafe.

You are now dismissed. Congratulations for passing.

Created by
Owner of Grandé
Last edit 02/092020 at 7:28