Grand Admin | A very secure, high quality, lightweight, very customisable and easy to use admin system

Yeah, all u have to do is edit the settings ModuleScript. Same place where u set the admins

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Alright ill be using this thanks!


Also does this have global ban so I can ban players in different servers

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Yep. It should work if you type their full username or user ID


How do i set this up?
my prefix is: “NEBconsole/”
when typing in NEBconsole/Commands it does not work


Uh, currently it doesn’t support prefixes that are larger than one character. It can’t be a whole word or more than 1 character long.

I will probably fix this soon


Update v1.13.0 - Small Update

Been awhile since an update, but this update adds prefix support with multiple characters and fixes a bug

  • Prefixes with multiple characters are now supported!
    For an example, you could use a prefix like “console/”! (e.g. “console/ban Joe 5 Exploiting”)

  • Fixed an issue where if the discord webhook messaging api is slow, it would yield the banning/unbanning functionality. This is no longer be an issue meaning all bans/unbans will still function regardless if the webhook API succeeds or fails in some way.

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Is it possible to set logging for other commands into discord?

Not natively, but yeah it is. What other commands would you like to see with logging?

It would be really good to see if the kick command would be logged along with the team switch or teleport command, if it possible.

Alright, yeah i’ll consider adding like a log option for commands, as I do think that would be useful to some people

Alright thank you very much, it’s would be good option for groups moderation purposes.

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Update v1.14.0 - Small Update

Just added a couple of new features that may come in handy for moderation as well a patch.

  • Added a new command Admins/Adminlist to view the current admins and their ranks

  • Added webhook logging for executing certain commands. You can edit which ones get logged in the ‘Commands’ module

  • Fixed webhook logging not working

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I love this really, but is it possible to talk with you i need help (would be too long asking here)

Discord: jjcavalli


Hello. I really need a fly and noclip command.

is there no discord community for custom commands?

Unfortunately not by default, I just didn’t think people would really use it for custom commands, however I believe you can just add it manually and it should work fine.


Let me know if this doesn’t work or if you have any further questions!

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For the custom commands, is there a way to add boolean (true/false) syntax types? Right now im using numbers and having to type 0 or 1 which isnt a big deal but it’d be nice if this was a type

Sorry for the late reply. Currently booleans aren’t natively integrated into the syntax types, but you can easily create your own custom syntax types via string

ParameterTypes = {"true/false"}, -- Used for the /commands gui
-- Custom Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local Commands = {
	-- Example command (DISABLED BY DEFAULT)
		Names = {"enablerespawning"}, -- Command phrases/names
		Description = "Enables/disables character respawning",
		RankRequired = nil, -- SET A RANK TO ENABLE (such as Roles.Moderator)

		Function = function(Parameters, Admin) -- Parameters is a table containing an array of keywords
			-- Magic code stuff here
		ParameterTypes = {"true/false"}, -- Custom syntax type

return Commands