Recently I tried to give one of my experiences access to a sound I created. But as I am on the configure audio page and put in universe ID and save it, the universe ID and experience with access disappears.
I have found a few posts on the DevForum with a problem similar to this but they seem to have been made a very long time ago. I would have expected the issue to be resolved by now. Otherwise I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, or that this is just a Roblox issue. I would appreciate some help, thank you.
There is a second way to grant access. Open the place in studio and press run. In console, it will output an error saying the experience doesn’t have permission to use the audio, but also will say something along the lines of “click here to grant this experience access”.
Have you just uploaded the Audio? If you have, it may take a while for Moderation to approve it depending on how much needs to check
If you’ve already done what @SeargentAUS suggested and the issue still persists, then please consider filing a Bug Report & message the @Bug-Support team about it
You can still send it to the @Bug-Support team if you’re a Member regardless, or worst case scenario send it to ROBLOX Support
Plus, there have been some instances where Bug Reports have been sent by TL1 users, so don’t think that it’s the “only” possible way to not send reports properly
I have done this before, They told me they don’t handle those issues and its best to post them on #bug-reports which you cant, even tho i put it under the Bug Reports category.
I already did upload the audio and had it approved. Its been about 2 days since I uploaded the audio. Also I wasn’t sure what category to put this post in, sorry about that.
This seems to be a case of a Website Bug then, crazy though how this Audio Update is still impacting developers to this day
All I’m gonna say is to report it to the @Bug-Support Team, and see if they can hopefully resolve the issue that you’re dealing with when they respond back to you
Alright, I was wondering why this was still happening considering that many other people have been having this problem for months. I appreciate your help, thank you.