Granular Version History Querying

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to locate and open an old build of a place due to having to scroll down through many other builds to locate a build from a specific time period. It would be helpful if the version history allowed us to narrow the results through a date range.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would make reversion of various models, scripts, and in rare cases the entire place, to unsaved builds, a lot easier.


Bump. Would still like if this feature would be considered to be implemented. It is incredibly annoying having to scroll back to find an old build only for it to get stuck infinitely loading, making me restart this long, tedious process.

Was “loading” for more than 10 minutes.

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It would be nice to see this, I have a game with a ton of different versions and I’m having the same issue constantly, which is incredibly frustrating. For now, the only “workaround” is to just use the browser version instead, as with that it actually loads and you can at least change the page number.

Bump. Would still like if this feature would be considered to be implemented. It is incredibly annoying having to scroll back to find an old build only for it to get stuck infinitely loading, making me restart this long, tedious process.

Bumping this topic again, I recently had to scroll through an absurdly high amount of pages to revert back to a specific place version. How has this not been addressed yet?

bump pls would be really nice to have this still :frowning:

You will take forty years to go through each page and you will love it

bump pls would be really nice to have this still :frowning:

I support this, there should be pages and search, and not everyone has logitech mouse