Graphic Design Feedback is Required

Hey, my name is zf0w: I’m a digital designer. I enjoy designing simple but easy to recognize designs. I currently, require your feedback on a few recent designs I’ve completed.

Section 1

Does this look better in orange and black, black and white, or any other colour you can think of?

Aqruse = Square
The icon sticks out as A Entertainment because of A: meaning 100%(meets all qualifications)

Section 2

I would like to receive general feedback: what should I change, improve, etc


These are fantastic graphics! I love the simplicity of the designs.

I find all these very simple and elegant. Definitely Black!

But… The images are obvious rasterized online images. You can tell because of the Low-Res effect in the second section, especially with the Crown logo. I find Rex Studio’s Font blandish, maybe a Sci-Fi font would look good. I highly suggest checking out websites like 1001 Fonts.

Good Job!

Yes, I used tools from They provide free icons to all users: this saves us(designers) a lot of time.

Thank you for the feedback.

I suggest you begin to work on your own icons or icons that were redesigned by you. It is a quite unique experience and will help your career.

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I like the simplistic style you’re going for, maybe try w/o borders :smiley: . Change the style on ROBLOX and go w/o borders :smirk:But other than that it looks like you have a good eye for what you are creating :+1: