Graphic Designer / 8 years experience

About me

Hello! I’m Eli. I’m a builder, scripter, and graphic designer. :cowboy_hat_face:
I’ve been doing graphic design since mid-2011 on various softwares.


Previous Work



My minimum price is R$100 which ranges depending on general difficulty and scale. Exact price must be paid through group funds within 90 days of work. If my work isn’t done within 14 days, it’s absolutely free.

To prevent free-work scamming, the unpaid product will be heavily watermarked, which will only be removed after payment.


You can contact me through the Developer Forum. My Discord is not available at the moment for private reasons.

I’m only taking one job at a time, so if you wish to hire me, please use “Req.” in your post to keep things neat and tidy. Thanks!