Graphic rate and help!

Hello. I have made this gfx while ago, and I would like to hear a rate and suggestions from you guys to see where I am at.

Also, I am not sure if u have noticed as well or I am just being weird. But I feel like my graphics resolution is not the best compared to some of the ones I have seen online. My blender resoulution is currently 1920x1080, and I have been using photopea to edit my work, I should have already made the quality of the image 100% before exporting, so I am really not sure what did I do wrong. Should I have be setting the render resolution to 4k in blender?

Thank you, and late happy new year.


It’s very good but if you want a good resolution I suggest not editing on online websites, I personally use paint dot net
as for the render itself then it’s good imo but there isn’t much going on