Graphics Error: Anyone have a solution to fix this error?

I’m trying to upload uniforms for a group, however, upon uploading them this bug occurred on the arm causing this to happen.

Normal (on template):

Website and in games:

I’ve tried to edit it and re-upload it but the same issue still occurs.

If you have any sudgestions on how to fix this, please let me know.
Thanks for the help.

You should probably describe the bug, as it just looks like a result of lighting influence if your image isn’t slightly transparent.

Hard to tell with such a cropped image though, as I don’t know if this is the elbow or the wrist or what the rest of the clothing turned out like.

You’ve given very very little information


My bad, here’s the full arm.
Here it is on the template: Normal2

Here’s the shirt itself: Beta-7 Operative - Roblox

This is the error Screenshot_2

Ah okay, so the one above seems to show nicely, but that band is a bit blurred. Are you using the template given by Roblox and have you scaled it at all or kept it at that size?

If you’ve used the template in the correct size my best advice is to either add a few pixels to those black lines, or shift them up or down by a couple of pixels. You’ll probably find that it alternates every few lines of pixels between blurred and sharp, which is why luckily the first band was fairly sharp and visible.

That’s my best guess and that’s what I’ve found with uniform and shirts before. I’ve been surprised in the past by the difference when you shift a couple pixels or make the line slightly thicker.