Graphics Level 3 causing IMMENSE LAG on mobile

Not sure why this is, but when on mobile, changing my graphics level to 3 or above will cause immense CPU spiking and result in abysmally low frames. This does not happen on graphics level 1 or 2, and did not happen months ago.

I am not sure when this issue began, but it was not a thing before and definitely not a device problem. Tested on an Android phone.

microprofile-20241027-055750_FlamegraphCpu.html (632.4 KB)

microprofile-20241027-060040_FlamegraphCpu.html (606.7 KB)

microprofile-20241027-060040_Diff.html (670.4 KB)

The CPU/GPU usage spike occurs specifically on Graphics Level 3; the usage only increases by 10ms from the value at level 3 when I set it to the maximum (10). Setting the graphics level to 3 effectively increases CPU usage by nearly 70ms.

Tested on a private server in SCP: Roleplay - Roblox


I’ve also had this issue. I think it has to do something with the new android future lightning update.


for some reason, graphics level 3 with future lighting, in the background it seems to do future lighting calculations, but doesnt render them.
this needs to get fixed asap

edit: i think the lag is most;y cuz of shadow calculations of lights other than the sun


fun fact: future lighting actually makes roblox run on android muuuch better, but for some reason i dont have it sooo… its laggy, even in simple games such as kapis rock n roll

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It has always been like this for me, even before the Future Lighting client beta update got launched for Android. The maximum graphics quality level that I can play with is mostly 2 due to this issue. The CPU/GPU frame time usage gets a lot higher the moment the graphics quality level is set to 3 from 2 for some reason resulting in immense lag. I am not sure what is being done or enabled in graphics quality level 3+ that causes this.

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Where did you get this fun fact from?

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The attached file looks like a flamegraph for graphics level 2, not like a diff between level 2 and level 3.
To get a proper diff, you need to compare two HTML files with the original dumps. Yes, this can be confusing because, in addition to the dumps, there are also derivative files with the HTML extension, and the diff tool won’t say much if it can’t read any of them for comparison.

A successful diff should look something like this. The blue highlights indicate what takes more time at graphics level 3. It’s better to select “Comparison: absolute” at the top to avoid highlighting irrelevant things.

microprofile-20241027-060040_Diff_(Fixed).html (1.2 MB)

But yes, it does look like the CPU is waiting for the GPU to finish its work for an incredibly long time.