Graphics texture, Graphics parts and Physics parts have a high memory usage

Hey! So I’m building a map and now that some big progress has been made I wanted to go check how performance is working.

I saw there is a 443MB client memory usage

But, when checking out where is that coming from, I realized that Graphics textures are using a lot of it

To be honest I don’t know if this are materials, textures, decals, etc. What are this?
Which is the best way to optimize it and to reduce the amount of memory usage coming from the graphics texture

Also, I have a couple more questions and for not making more topics here are they

What are graphics parts?

And what are physics parts?

Which main things affect this and how to optimize them if possible

Any info or help is really appreaciated!


Just to reassure you, 443 mb of memory use across a whole game is - in many cases - not a lot.

GraphicsTextures refers specifically to any images, decals, UI, and textures that are not Roblox’s default materials. Basically, if it was uploaded to Roblox, and is an image file, it’ll be counted here.

The only way is to reduce how many textures you use, or decrease the resolution of the textures already there. Textures compress really well for Roblox, but that doesn’t mean they still aren’t costly - it’s just that textures are costly in most games, even outside of Roblox.

This refers to how many Parts your game is rendering. I do not know if this includes fully transparent Parts.

To be basic, this refers to how many Parts are physically in your game.

I know you already know of my RDC talk about this, but I want to link it here in case anyone else will find it useful: