Grappling system I made

I decided to showcase a grappling system I made. It has bugs, such as the character freezing on the server before getting flung, but otherwise I think it’s a pretty nice system and decided to get some feedback. What do you think?

Game link:

If you were wondering, it uses two spring constraints (one for visuals one for velocity), Uses 4 attachments, and the time it takes to hit a part is based off of distance. It is on all parts, not just certain ones.

It is based off of this games grappler:

Notice: It is hard to obtain the grappler in this game unless buying it with a gamepass, look up a video instead.


@MineMaker4532 This game is super fun.
there is a bug where I just grapple and I got flung to space.
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I haven’t (Nor any one my friends have) gotten this bug, is there anything you did before you grappled, or any specific part you grappled?

I did hold e and r at the same time. Mabey thats why

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r isn’t binded to anything, but let me test it

doesn’t seem to do much.

Yeah, did some dashes, made my speed up to 200 studs per sec and then i fell into void and my hook left there in place forever, i recommend putting it in debris, so its doesn’t leave whatever happens

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Updated the game, added a rope mechanic if you hold e, kindof buggy though

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How is this made? I’m curious, I’m trying to make a game with grappling hooks and I’m not really familiar with roblox physics such as rope constraints and stuff. It be really cool if you could just went over how you made it.

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The hook being thrown out is all visual, there is an invisble string constraint that is enabled if you release e, its length is 1 and its stiffness is 500.

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For the rope part its just a rope constraint with a bodyforce that pushes you in the camera direction for a small amount if time (also happens when you detatch) and the length is the distance +1

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Honestly great. Works well and the pull force isn’t too great.


Thanks, although if you pull on an object above you while you’re falling you gain an exceptional amount of height. I should probably add a cap.

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Added a cap on the spring where it can’t pull you extreme amounts (the cap is not something you would notice unless intentionally trying to break the game), Updated the model, Added Wallrunning (The reason this got added is because I think it would be cool the grapple onto a wall then wallrun and go very fast), Changed the button to LMB

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It works very well, I like it a lot. Good job.


Alright thanks, appreciated.

char limit

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You’re welcome.

also char limit

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Late reply, but how did you approach this? I’m assuming you used some kind of spring constraint for the rope, but how did you straighten it out for the full animation? am I missing something? Would really like to know.

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I think you can set the amount of coils to 0 and it becomes completely straight, just try messing around with the properties in the spring