Grass Rendering Issue

I didn’t know where exactly to put this issue, but here we go:
The title says it all, when I play as a character, the grass only seems to render in a certain radius, and when I pan (zoom) the camera, the radius either largens or gets smaller. Is there a reason for this, or a setting I need to change?




This is not really a bug
it’s Graphics level

are you setting it to max?

and where would I find those settings?

Make sure to set it to level 21 if you are on studio

can be done by going to
FILE > Studio settings > Rendering then you will see 2 options “Graphics level” and “Edit Graphics level”

if it doesn’t work then set the graphics level in gameplay mode

will this also set it so it will work in roblox game launcher app as well or its it only for roblox studio?

You can change your in game graphics quality and it will work.

It’s most likely your graphics settings. Did you take the photo in the ROBLOX player?, or did you take them in ROBLOX studio?

By default

Roblox Player’s Graphics level limit is 10
so it is possible

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It’s called optimizing hon, It’s normal so the grass won’t lag because it’s rendering tons of grass far away you can’t see. So the engine doesn’t render grass there.