Well I’m finished, (as far as I know)
This code should be functional.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local BlocksPlace = game.Workspace.Blocks
local DistanceToCheckAbove = 25 --> Raycast will only go 25 studs up to check for parts before returning nil.
local DistanceToCheckSides = 10 --> Raycast will only go 10 studs (plus the size of the part to make it similar to casting from the edge)
ReplicatedStorage.place.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Positiona, Matpicked)
if not ReplicatedStorage.Blocks:FindFirstChild(Matpicked) then
warn("Material not found: " .. Matpicked)
local shape = ReplicatedStorage.Blocks[Matpicked]:Clone()
local tag = Instance.new("StringValue")
tag.Name = "blockowner"
tag.Value = player.Name
tag.Parent = shape
shape.Size = Vector3.new(3, 3, 3)
shape.Anchored = true
shape.CFrame = Positiona
shape.Parent = BlocksPlace --> Always parent things after you've applied all the initial properties
local RayParams = RaycastParams.new()
RayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
RayParams.IgnoreWater = true
local function RecursiveGetParts(Part) --> Recursively check if there's a part above the last
local Parts = {} --> Make table to store the parts we find.
local Current = Part --> Make a variable to store the current part we're casting from.
local Result = nil --> Make a variable to store the RaycastResult (this helps with breaking the recursive loop)
RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Current} --> Update filter so we don't just get the same part each time.
local Origin = Current.Position --> Current part position (we will raycast from this)
local Direction = Vector3.new(0,DistanceToCheck,0) --> We want the ray to go vertically, or up, so we use 0,DistanceToCheck,0
Result = workspace:Raycast(Origin, Direction, RayParams) --> Raycast from Origin, following Direction, and use our RaycastParams to filter the cast. Then store the result in our Result variable.
if Result --> Ensure we did get a result from the Raycast.
and Result.Instance --> Ensure the Raycast returned an object.
and Result.Instance:IsA("BasePart") --> Ensure it's a BasePart (covers all Part types, such as MeshPart, Part, CornerWedge, etc)
and Result.Instance:FindFirstChild("blockowner") --> Ensure it's a placed part (Has "blockowner" value)
and not table.find(Parts, Result.Instance) --> Ensure we haven't already gotten this part.
and not Result.Instance == Current --> Ensure the part we got was not our current part (should be impossible but this is a failsafe to prevent an infinite loop)
table.insert(Parts, Result.Instance) --> Insert the new part to the Parts storage table.
Current = Result.Instance --> Set the next target (Current) to the part we got.
break --> In case any of our failsafes/checks go off, we should break the loop to prevent an infinite loop.
until Result == nil or (Result and Result.Instance == nil) --> If the Raycast does not return a result, or there is no Result.Instance, we break the loop.
return Parts --> Return the parts list
local function CheckIfTouching(Part) --> Check if a part is touching any other parts
RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Part} --> Update filter
local Touching = false --> Cache Touching so we can set it later
local Origin = Part.Position
local Sides = { --> Define side directions
Vector3.new(DistanceToCheckSides,0,0) + (Part.Size * Vector3.new(0.5,0,0)), --> Left
Vector3.new(-DistanceToCheckSides,0,0) - (Part.Size * Vector3.new(0.5,0,0)), --> Right
Vector3.new(0,0,DistanceToCheckSides) + (Part.Size * Vector3.new(0,0,0.5)), --> Front
Vector3.new(0,0,-DistanceToCheckSides) - (Part.Size * Vector3.new(0,0,0.5)) --> Back
for _, Side in pairs(Sides) do --> Loop through Sides
local Result = workspace:Raycast(Origin, Side, RayParams) --> Raycast with current side direction and our filter RayParams.
if Result and Result.Instance and Result.Instance:IsA("Part") and Result.Instance:FindFirstChild("blockowner") then --> Same checks as in RecursiveGetParts, besides the checks for the Current part and table.find
Touching = true --> We found a part that we're touching!
break --> We don't need to continue through the rest of the sides.
return Touching --> Return Touching as it tells us if it's touching or not.
local function GetPartsAboveNotTouching(part) --> Get all parts that are above the target AND actually floating (not touching another part) (This option is more intensive than the other function) (option 1)
local List = RecursiveGetParts(part) --> The following code checks to see if the parts are actually floating (does not touch anything else)
for Index, Part in ipairs(List) do --> Loop through all the parts
if CheckIfTouching(Part) then --> Check if the part is touching something
table.remove(List, Index) --> If it's touching, remove the part from the list.
return List
local function GetPartsAbove(part) --> Get all parts that are above the target, regardless of if they are touching anything (option 2)
return RecursiveGetParts(part) --> The following code checks to see if the parts are actually floating (does not touch anything else)
ReplicatedStorage.del.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, target)
if target and target:IsA("BasePart") then
local Floating = GetPartsAbove(target) --> You can use either GetPartsAbove(target) or GetPartsAboveNotTouching(target) to get these parts. GetPartsAboveNotTouching will be more performance heavy.
-- Now that we've got all the floating parts, we can do something with them
for _, Part in pairs(Floating) do
Part.Anchored = false -- In this case, we'll just unanchor the part so it falls, you can make this do whatever you want.
warn("Invalid target for deletion")
Let me know if anything goes wrong, breaks, or otherwise does not work.
I’ve added comments to explain everything I changed and to explain the different options I added.