Greater than not working as intended

Hi, I’m making a football game. In this script I determine the winner by points/goals.

local red = game.Workspace.RedPoints.Value
local blue = game.Workspace.BluePoints.Value

local redwin = blue < red
local bluewin = blue > red


if redwin ==
	true then
	print("Red wins, success")

if bluewin == true then
	print("Blue won! Success")

But when Blue is 3 and red is 2 it doesn’t give an answer after 30 seconds.

Also when I use (blue > red) it just says false while blue is greater than red


You’re storing the result before the game ends, all you have to do is put redwins and bluewins variables below the wait(), and you’re also storing the red and blue values too at the variables at the start

local red = game.Workspace.RedPoints
local blue = game.Workspace.BluePoints


local redwin = blue.Value < red.Value
local bluewin = blue.Value > red.Value

if redwin ==
	true then
	print("Red wins, success")

if bluewin == true then
	print("Blue won! Success")

Also use task.wait() its way more efficient and accurate

It works, and a tie I do like this?:

local tie = blue.Value == red.value

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