Green screen free model

Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on the devforum and that’s because I’ve been busy with other stuff(planning to get back into learning scripting in about a week).

Today, I decided to open up roblox studio and just make a quick build, just for fun.
NOTE: I am not a builder yet, I have not learnt everything about building, nor do I have much experience in it.

The build I made is a green screen, I know it isn’t much and it’s not something super big but I’m really proud of it because I feel that I focused a bit more on the details and actually used a photo for reference.

Take the model for free here: Green Screen - Roblox

Hope this helps!


I believe this belongs in #resources thank you for this model, with the recent release of videos this will be amazing for a backstage sort of scene :yum:

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As much as I want to put it in there, I don’t think it’s substantial enough for that category. Also, I’m glad it helped!

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Fair enough, I hope you continue to help people this way!

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