Do not repeatedly random kill people with weapons, especially if they are a gamepass/purchased weapon.
Do not say anything that would be considered as trolling users. i.e. “Free robux here”.
Do not attempt to find ways to bypass the filter established by Roblox to prevent you from saying vulgar words. This is against our rules, and the Roblox Terms of Service.
Do not advertise inside of our games, this could be saying “join my group”, telling them to join your game, servers, etc.
Harassment is not tolerated. Do not harass other users inside of our games. This means you keep doing something/saying something to someone even after they ask you to stop. Examples include: Threatening to hack their account, making any threats, etc.
Discrimination of anyone is not tolerated inside of our games and will result in an immediate ban from our games as this behavior is unwanted by our community which is here to ensure a safe environment for all of our players to come together. Discrimination of religious groups, nationality, or anything along those lines is not allowed.
Revealing Personal Information of anyone is not tolerated and will result in an instant ban from our games as this behavior will not be tolerated. It will also result in a report to Roblox as we do not know if you had malicious intent.
Bug exploiting is not allowed, which means the abuse of a bug that is on the server or the client that gives you an unfair advantage over another player inside of the same game.
Letting patients outside the asylum as a staff member is not allowed unless special permissions are applied.
Misuse of the box and boxing players that has no interest in going there without a reason is not permitted. Misuse examples include: Putting everyone you see in the box for no reason, putting patients in the box for anything else than assault against their will, etc.
Abusing the detain tool especially from a gamepass is strictly forbidden as it ruins the gameplay flow for other players because they won’t be able to move.
Exploiting is absolutely not tolerated inside of our game and will result in an immediate ban upon us being notified of your actions.
Rules will be added/removed over time, these changes will be announced via dizzy.
Last updated: 3/3/2021