Green Wave Traffic Lights

If you don’t know what a green wave is, it’s a traffic light coordination system that lets a car and others following it (platoon) see a green light at every next intersection if they stick to a certain speed (typically 50 km/h). It saves time and reduces CO2 emissions from traffic.
I decided to make something similar in ROBLOX, and I think I did a pretty good job at it. What do you think?


Oooh Lovely! Nice to see it finally made.

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Nice, just one problem, when the lights turn green I see that the two pedestrian lights on the right and left turn green, if a car were to go left or right, it could hit people.

In many countries, including where I live in, most traffic lights turn green together with the pedestrian light. Turning traffic has to give way to pedestrians before proceeding, it’s even written in the road rules.


I am a runner and in the US it can be very annoying when I am crossing a large intersection and cars just cut me off in the middle of the street despite me having the right of way