Grenade goes through the floor?

i’m making a grenade for my game and it has worked amazing so far, however, i’ve discovered that if you throw it into a floor it goes slightly through, how could i fix this?


this is the code that does all the physics:

		Handle.AssemblyLinearVelocity = ur * 30

grenade’s custom physics:


i am not sure if setting the network ownership bugs it, but i did that since the projectile would lag without it

edit: i sort of solved it, sizing the floor higher minimized the issue a little bit, but i would still like a better solution since my map will have some thin walls when i’m finished

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How big is the grenade physical part? If the grenade is small and has a mesh that extends the part that might be why.

i’m not sure what you mean, but maybe this will help?

the size of the entire tool:


the actual sizes:

(biggest to smallest)
Handle  - 0.479, 1.103, 0.479
Spoon - 0.401, 0.776, 0.15
Pin - 0.279, 0.265, 0.38

edit: i sort of solved it, sizing the floor higher minimized the issue a little bit, but i would still like a better solution since my map will have some thin walls when i’m finished

Create a new part instance and use that as the hitbox, make sure this part is welded to the handle and is the size of the entire model. This method resolves most small object issues I’ve had in the past. I would recommend you use a cylinder since the general shape of your grenade is cylindrical.


well in my case i’ve already animated it so i can’t really add a hitbox without it breaking (i tried welding a hitbox and it just flung everywhere), so instead i just set the collision fidelity of the handle to a box, though i’ll mark this post as a solution since others might have this issue too, and it could still work in their case, thanks!

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when you weld the hitbox to the handle, make sure the hitbox has cancollide, anchored turned off and Massless turned on.
using a box for collision when the item is literally a ball just doesnt make sense

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