Grid Based Hotel/Resort Tycoon!

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a grid-based hotel/resort tycoon, sort of like theme prk tycoon, retail tycoon, and restaurant tycoon. Here are a few images:

It is currently in early beta and most likely in an unplayable state right now, but here is the game link if you are interested I will periodically post updates here.

Please comment below if you have any ideas for what I could add : )


This seems like an okay idea, although the interior of the Resort/Hotel looks quite empty. Will you be planning to add props that users can place into their Hotel/Resort?


I feel like its too blocky you know, maybe add rounded edges on the corners or something it feels sharp yk


I see what you mean, but for many things such as the hotel rooms themselves, I can not make the corners smoother, otherwise they would not mesh together correctly (if the user were to place them all together, it would look weird if there were crevices in between).

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Yep - I currently only have one prop made (the palm tree), but I am planning to add many more. I just need to figure out what exactly I should add…

Interior really has no detail whatsoever and is too blocky. Maybe add more shapes, as they can still be worked into the grid.

I forgot to mention it in my original post, but by grid based, I meant that the player places items and customizes it how they want, sort of like Theme Park Tycoon. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are saying, but it is the player’s choice as to how they make their tycoon (if it has more detail or not).


Oh, sorry!!!

That probably wouldn’t be the best idea for that sort of thing, but okay.

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I’m the owner of a gridbased tycoon called My Prison.

It’s nice to see you are working on a grid based tycoon. I have alot of suggestion.

  • A build camera can be nice
  • Workers
  • Display the cash
  • You should improuve NPCs performance if you want reach a important amount of customer. The best way is use Anchored NPCs without humanoid. You can still use animations with a animation controller. And to move npcs you should use the RunService. With simple CFrame maths you can move NPCs and have better performences.
  • I think you are using the roblox Path Finding. By usign A* you will have a better control of the path.

Hello, thanks for replying! I have actually played your game many times before and really enjoyed it! I definitely agree with you on all of that, this was mostly a proof of concept post. I am actually using roblox pathfinding, but I am still figuring out error handling so in the meantime I have the teleportation if it it gets stuck for too long. Again, thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

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It looks alright, but it could look way better. The game is too basic and needs more decorations and detail to it.