This has been something I’ve thought about for a long time but I’ve never been able to figure out a good solution for it, I’ve made countless grid snapping systems, they’re pretty easy, but taking the grid and using a CFrame as an origin/rotation is a completely different beast
A “normal” grid aka a grid aligned with roblox’s default axi is simple, and in all of these I’m just going to be worrying about 2 dimensions, X and Z
Simple grid of 4:*4,Position.Y,math.floor(Position.Z/4)*4)
But if you want this grid rotated at say 45 degrees, suddenly this approach does not work at all. It would seem to me that the next most logical approach would be using LookVector and RightVector and solving the nearest multiple from the origin point. Can anyone think of a way to do this without it being a brute force?
The only thing I can think of would be to continually increment how many times the LookVector gets multiplied until the remaining vector is a multiple of the RightVector, but this would be terribly inefficient and now that I’m thinking about it I don’t even think it would solve my issue because I still wouldn’t know where the end point would be
The line I typed above is great because I can just put in any vector and receive the nearest point out and the math doesn’t take any variable amount of time if it’s further or closer to 0. Does anyone know a way I could do this at an angle, or at least have an idea?
Actually now I’m thinking, I could probably create a ray using the lookvector, and then use closest point on that ray to get the right angle, and then use THAT and round off the magnitudes and then use those to multiple the lookvector and rightvector which would give me the closest point on the grid? I’ll try this.
local grid = {}
local gridOrigin = * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(,1,0), math.pi/4)
local gridStep = 5
for x = 1,4 do
grid[x] = {}
for y = 1,4 do
local objectSpaceVec = * gridStep, 1, y * gridStep)
grid[x][y] = * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(,1,0), math.pi/4)
function round(x, decimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(decimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(x * mult + 0.5) / mult
function getCell(p)
local gridSpace = gridOrigin:vectorToObjectSpace(p)
local x = round(gridSpace.x/gridStep)
local y = round(gridSpace.z/gridStep)
if grid[x] and grid[x][y] then
return grid[x][y]
local hit = mouse.hit.p
local gridCF = getCell(hit)
if gridCF then
part.CFrame = gridCF
If you want to see it in action (or want to copy all the code): RotatedGrid.rbxl (13.2 KB)
Thanks for the distraction, now it’s past my bedtime and I need sleep.
I asked the question a while back. The guy provided some nice code as an example. I ended up using something different from his but that code helped me get it working correctly.
How would you adapt this to work in 3D space for xyz coordinates instead of solely 2d xy?
(Also I don’t understand the code defining the grid origin and how I can set the grid origin anywhere in the world)
Have you tried just using object and world space conversions? You can pmuch just have a vector or a cframe and convert it into an offset from the original or you can also use it like an offset with local transforms from the original.
To create a 3d grid, just turn the 2d array into a 3d array:
for x = 1,4 do
grid[x] = {}
for y = 1,4 do
grid[x][y] = {}
for z = 1,4 do
local objectSpaceVec = * gridStep, y * gridStep, z * gridStep)
grid[x][y][z] = * (gridOrigin - gridOrigin.p)
-- creates a CFrame at the position (x,y,z) then transforms it into the object space of gridOrigin
You’ll also have to adjust the getCell function and play around with mouse movement to get the desired effect (consider a Fortnite grid vs a Minecraft grid style).
As for your other question: Imagine your grid is a piece of graph paper (2d example, same for 3d). Your grid encompasses everything on that graph paper. The bottom left corner of your graph paper is gridOrigin. If you move your graph paper to the right 5 feet, gridOrigin moves to the right 5 feet. If you rotate around the bottom left corner 45 degrees, gridOrigin rotates 45 degrees.
this was a useful thread for me, I was trying to do something more complicated with dot product to get the same effect, but this is much simpler. I’m going to drop my code which doesn’t depend on having a predefined grid in a table like you guys are doing so other people can use in the future.
local PlotOrigin = * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(,1,0), math.rad(Plot.Orientation.Y)
local function round(x, m)
return math.floor((x/m) + .5) * m
function SnapToGrid(position, increment, objectSize)
local relativePosition = PlotOrigin:vectorToObjectSpace(position)
local relativeSize = PlotOrigin:vectorToObjectSpace(objectSize)
local xOffset = (relativeSize.X/2) % increment
local zOffset = (relativeSize.Z/2) % increment
local newRelativePosition =, increment)+xOffset,
position.Y, round(relativePosition.Z, increment)+zOffset)
return PlotOrigin:vectorToWorldSpace(newRelativePosition)
this is a slightly adjusted version to make it more generic, so it might break lol, lmk if it does and I’ll help you out
oh alright, thanks for making this code public and responding all these months later!
i am having one issue though, and i cant really diagnose it because im not great at understanding vector math and cframes etc. the x value of the relative size is giving me roughly 0, which makes the object snap to a line rather than the center of a box.
edit: ive made the plot rotate slowly to see how rotation influences it and…
local function round(x, m)
return (math.floor((x/m) + 1) * m) - (m / 2)
function SnapToGrid(position, increment, objectSize, plot)
local PlotOrigin = plot.CFrame
local relativePosition = PlotOrigin:PointToObjectSpace(position.Position)
local newRelativePosition =
round(relativePosition.X, increment),
round(relativePosition.Z, increment)
)) * CFrame.Angles(position:ToOrientation())
return PlotOrigin:ToWorldSpace(newRelativePosition),, increment) / increment, round(relativePosition.Z, increment) / increment)
this works perfectly for me, it takes in a cframe position so that it can also make the rotation match, the grid size as increment, the size of the model, and the plot itself