GridParts Script - Split part into 4 pieces

I made a script that splits a part into 4 pieces.

This can be useful for making a glass breaking script, Plate game or anything else.

What does this do?

It inserts a Model into workspace called “GridParts” which inside that will be the pieces of the part that has been splitted.

This will only work with parts that have a Position property, all the properties of the part will be copied. on to the 4 parts

This is a preview of how it should look like


It is simple to set up. paste the script into Workspace or ServerScriptService

Inside the script there will be a line where you type the path of the part you want to split
type in the parameter the path of your part and it is all setup.

Feel free to edit this script however you’d like if you have any feedback please leave it down below.


To clear up some confusion here are some things to take in mind.

What is the point of this Resource if there’s a plugin for this?
Plugins are for building but in this case you can use this for scripting for like a Glass breaking script.


Does it work with non-rectangular geometry? What about meshes?

No, this won’t work on non-rectangular geometry or any meshes it will just clone the mesh into 4 pieces otherwise resulting in this.

I think you thought it would cut the mesh into 4 pieces. Please let me know if I wasn’t specific on this topic.

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From looking at this I noticed it has the same functionality as the cut on x and y axis in my plugin: Sfax. Other than this is pretty cool and thanks for the resource!

Kinda confused here. How would this be helpful as a module (besides breaking stuff)? Shouldn’t this be a plugin?

Very useful. I need a similar effect like that and I’d make the 4 split parts rotate

For plugins it is mean’t for building if you want to like cut a part. But in this case if you want to use it for scripting in like a game for later on. then this is the resource to use. This might not be useful to many people but I decided to post in the Resources anyway.

can we make it more than 4 pieces?