Ground Slide Bug

I have a ground slide system which works fine except for one issue,

for some reason character keeps going in circles (which is not the intended behaviour) but normally it is supposed to go forwards

I’ve experimented a little and found out the animation causes this (it works completely fine without the animation)

does anyone know how to fix it?

heres the gif of issue

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Could the animation be moving you a bit into the ground? It would destabilize the character and cause something like this. I’m not sure how to help here, but maybe… try making the animation NOT sink under the ground even in the slightest bit?

hey I’ve tried that before but no luck :pensive:, if I make the animation symmetrical instead of leaning towards one side it works without any bugs but I don’t want to do that either

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What mover/constraint do you use to apply the force?

I’ve used LinearVelocity to move the character

thats the problem. it youre using relativetoattachment0 then because the torso is offset, it will spin in circles. apply it to the position of the HRP before the animation. where is attachmant0 parented to??

its parented to humanoidrootpart and I apply the velocity before playing the animation

Have you tried lifting up the player in the animation, and try using HipHeight to make it look like the player is sliding on the ground?

the reason the player is sliding is because the attachment for linearvelocity is not centered properly. it has nothing to do with the animation being in the ground. i would know, im working on something… similar, you could say.

I’ve used bodyvelocity too it’s the same result (force is applied on rootpart)