Group Allying: TooManyRequests Error

Hello! So I am unsure if this is the right category, but please let me know if I should move it. (Unable to post in Bug Reports).

I am currently trying to ally a Mother group with multiple sub-groups with the ROBLOX affiliates system. Upon allying the groups I ran into this error message:

I have googled the error message and I couldn’t find much information about it. Does anyone know how to prevent this so I can finish allying my groups?

I’d appreciate the help!


I think that would fix over time, since maybe there are too many requests from either your side or their side.

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Yes, this may very well be the case! I was thinking this too at first but I am kind of paranoid so I just thought I’d ask.

Thanks for the quick response as well!

Of course! If it still doesn’t work after some time, it might be due to the Roblox severs.