Group API response data

Hi. I recently looked into the roblox group api.
Tho using the V1 api i keep getting in ratelimit, because i can only use 1 groupid per request.
So i switched to the V2 api which allows multiple group id’s to be checked.
Tho it does not send that much information per group? Before i had, members, closed, etc.

Is there a work around?

What is it you need it for? Do you need to do all these IDs or just one or two?

I need to check about 30 ids or so. Many id’s, but not giving me the data it was giving me before.

Which data specifically do you need from each group that the v2 endpoint won’t give you?

memberCount and publicEntryAllowed

In the documentation it says it should return the memberCount, but I can see it is not doing so. I guess this was changed or mistakenly added to the documentation.


Its an error, it doesn’t return memberCount