When I go to configure my group and view the audit log, I am seeing the account user “Roblox” creating multiple versions of new assets. These are shown for at least 15 pages and all have a timestamp/date of March 24 or March 25. Although, I’ve noticed this issue a few days before but I cannot see logs that far back. I’m getting this bug on my group: Abstract Vision - Roblox
Edit: @A4_TDI pointed out that it is creating assets based on the translations for the game that is under my group. However, I’m not sure if it is intentional to show these assets being created in the audit log since they serve no purpose to me as I cannot view them.
Example 1:
Example 2 (Video):
Example 3:
This issue is also present on mobile devices.
If I were to click on any of these assets, I am redirected to this page:
Looking through the pages in the Audit Log, this is present in 15 of them. After I go farther than that, I see an error message saying “Unable to load transactions.”
This behavior seems to happen all the time for me, even when using a different browser or device.
- Go to “Groups” on the left dropdown menu from the home page or any other place.
- Go to the desired group and press the three dots on the bottom right.
- Press “Configure Group”
- Go to “Audit Log” on the left below where the group name and group funds are listed.
Google Chrome Version 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Roblox iOS App (Latest Version) - iPhone XR iOS 14.4.1