As a Roblox Developer with a group, I want to be able to share valuable information to the people who stop by the group in the quickest way possible. I want the least resistance for players to find, read, and take in the information presented to them. A recent update has shortened the visible group description to an absurd degree, essentially telling developers (this is how I feel) that this is not the place to post valuable information. If not a group description where do we post? What is the point in shortening the amount of visible information and hiding it behind an extra click?
A typical group has some things to say in their group description that we want the highest amount of people to see, and this “Read More” button adds resistance to that goal.
If Roblox were to address this issue, developers and other group owners would be able to present their group in whichever way they wish, whether that is a lot of info or a tiny summary. Allow the developer to decide how much text is presented, rather than force it upon everyone in an attempt at a one size fits all solution.
Current behavior upon landing on group page:
Desired behavior upon landing on group page: