Group funds does not match Revenue Summary: visual or burning our robux?

I’m decently positive that “Sale of Goods” shows sales BEFORE the 30% tax.

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As I previously stated this is not ‘burning your robux’ and you have not lost anything its just an ‘illusion’ you could say caused by conflicting before and after tax figures. if you evaluate dev stats and stuff you will find it all adds up.


It is unlikely that group sales work differently for any particular group, and since none of the top games/teams on the platform are complaining about this, it is likely just an issue with the display not being clear enough. That should be fixed for sure, but it doesn’t mean you’re losing any Robux in the mean-time. You should do a full review of your game income to confirm that is the case.


Then explain this:

This is my only game on that group.

487,692 + 872,070 = 1,359,762 Robux

Now, let’s take away the tax.

1,359,762 * 0.7 = 951,833 Robux

So, therefore I should get 951k robux, right?

No matter which way you calculate, the numbers aren’t matching.

With “full review” I meant finding out how many times each game pass and product was sold, multiply that with their after-tax value (if you do it *0.7 you assume everything got exactly 30% tax, which may be incorrect for irregular prices), and then summing all of that together, then deducting from that all of the payouts you have done for the group, and comparing the resulting value with your current group funds.

(although you also need to take into account that some pending sales may not have come through yet)


As others have stated - I also believe this is purely a visual error.

Take my small unpopular group for example. I have only deposited 20k via t-shirt sale.


Same issue here, supposedly over 400k missing


Same here. It seems to be rising, yet I can’t apply any logic to this.

Hopefully someone will put some light on this?


@DevRelationsTeam Can we have this looked into please? This is related to potential missing funds in groups and I think it’s a priority thing that should be looked into.


As for update to my post a long time ago.

I’ve been earning a considerable amount of Robux from my game. The thing that I noticed that gives me accurate amounts of money earned is that I actually have to multiply the pending funds by .7 and add the in-hand money.

At this point I’ve gotten used to it, but I would really like to understand why this is happening.


Very odd indeed, just recently me and my associates published a game, and it’s booming, however we noticed our game stats were completely different within the group pending sales from the in game products, we aren’t sure if it’s a visual bug, or if we are losing money, this is very critical.


@SneakySecretAgent @Hxxtor3D

Very odd that no one from roblox responded to it yet.

If its not visual - how would we even get back the revenue tho :flushed:

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It’s been almost three months since this thread was created, and many more since this issue has been out, and nothing has changed yet.

Let’s take Black Eagle Industries as another example:

  • Group Funds: 2,199 :robux:

I manually summed up all the transaction values (quite sad). These are the results:

  • Total robux received (before marketplace fee): 3,565 :robux:
  • Estimate of the actual benefits (multiplying the above value by 0.7): 2,495.5 :robux:
  • Theoretical benefits (applying the corresponding absolute tax to each gamepass depending on its price): 2,508 :robux:

The following data is shown under Revenue > Summary tab for the last year:

  • Sale of Goods: 2,947 :robux:
  • Group Premium Payouts: 17 :robux:
  • Total: 2,964 :robux:

Apparenty, this value does not discount fees. So it would be around ~2,080 :robux: (or ~2,075, if premium payouts are also taxed). This approximate value clearly differs from both the theoretical benefits (2,508 robux) and the group funds (2,199 robux). This implies a “loss” on the order of 12% of earnings.

No group payouts, no spendings on ads or anything else for more than a year.

I want to believe this is just a visual bug, but they should tell us, right? Why is that number there then, if it doesn’t reflect a real value? It can’t be very hard to plot a message next to group funds saying something like, “Note that this value may not be completely accurate/up-to-date”.

[color=orange]Edit:[/color] Group funds have just been increased by 8 robux, and this exact value has been substracted from the pending sales. So group funds actually update on real time. Where are our robux then!


FYI it’s not possible to ping entire staff groups on this forum. Please refrain from doing so or pinging random engineers to unrelated problems. PS to above: BitwiseAndrea doesn’t work on this group funds feature.

(EDIT: post above mine was removed)


Ive had the same problem except it was in my account, after I earn robux it subtracts 10 after a few minutes of earning it. Good thing it stopped already but I still lost a lot of robux from it.

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Hey everyone, thank you for making us aware of the problem. We’re looking into these issues and will report back with more information when we have it.


It has been 16 days. Wheres the report?

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We’ve investigated these issues and determined that there was a bug in reporting that caused inconsistencies between transactions that appear in the transactions summary versus the Robux balance. Specifically, some transactions were logged more than once. We have since identified the root case and are working towards resolving these inconsistencies.

We have determined that all transactions have been paid out to the sellers, and will work on reconciling the reporting to reflect that. We apologize for the confusion this may have caused.


Maybe wait a week? Roblox needs some time to update stuff, and it shouldn’t affect your actual robux in the group.


I have, infact I waited over 2 weeks. ( Please look at the dates. :slight_smile: )

And it’s been 4 months since the initial report.

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