Group funds seem incorrect + negative funds in the past

So my group funds do not match with the total, is there a reason to this? I’m on safari mobile so I’m not sure if this is just on safari. This started happening when I first got group funds which is about 2 days ago, I have also had negative funds for some reason, I don’t know if it’s possible to have negative funds but unfortunately I don’t have a picture of that. This bug happens when you configure your group funds and look at them, this only happens when you have donated some funds to a member. My group name is FENDINA. So far I have had no server issues.

Our first ever sale was this year on June 4th here’s the link.

This image is sales for the year. My group hasn’t even been selling for a year and the total is off:

These “negative” funds are the R$ you paid out to a person.


Hi! These pictures look fine to me - the funds you received in a day, or in a year, won’t necessarily match the Group Funds listed in the top left (which is from all time), and the numbers within each summary add up.

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