Group game Revenue Filter

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to view what profit is made from what game if you have multiple games in a group.

Of course you could just check what was bought and kind of calculate but what if that game has different developers?

The Idea
RIght now there is tons of room on the revenue page of groups so why not add a filter for the group revenue page?


Huge support.

I have different teams working under the name of my studio.
We’re planning to create a new game however the revenue might get mixed with the earnings of the previous games, making it really difficult to pay the devs properly.



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But individual developers can’t filter their revenue for their games either?

I’m in support of the idea but shouldn’t it be available on individual revenue pages too?


yes yes yes

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I support this but you can see the revenue in the developer stats page for individual games (before tax)


Individual developers don’t have to tbh, you get robux so I don’t really care about individual either

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Support! ;+)


You can view what profit is made from what game when you have multiple games in a group (and made by different developers even)

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But most group game devs want a percentage so I think implementing a way for devs to filter and pay out would make it easier for the platform, I know that @ONLYTW3NTYCH4RACT3R5 and SpotOn Interactive will need a feature like this eventually to make things way easier for them.


Support. Should also filter group gamepasses that are sold in different games then the game they are created on and show which game is selling those gamepasses.

I support. We need a Complete overhaul of revenue stats, analytics, etc. I’ve started recording the revenue of my largest games using Google Analytics because I’m fed up with the lack of data.

Plus it’s cool to see real-time data instead of by the hour, which I think Roblox needs to implement more of :slight_smile: