Group join spam

Because there is no group join limit on IP addresses, this happens:

That’s 39 pages of fake accounts. 39 whole pages – 390 people, minus a few real users. There needs to be a limit on how many groups you can join (and perhaps even how many accounts you can create) per IP per day. Perhaps 1 per day?

btw the group in question is FEAR.



Not being able to join a group for 30 days would cover this. Good luck to anybody with the patience to spam with that up.

Not necessarily. I mass-created a series of 50 alts a year or two ago now. I could have them all spam-join one group right now and that wouldn’t stop me.

Still happening:

[quote] Still happening:

Ok that 4th ones just needs to be deleted.

If you look at the gif, there’s a lot more that have bad names

I don’t think anyone cares if they get more members.

1 group join per day is dumb. Why not just limit the amount of accounts per IP within a group to 3?


The person doing this needs to be IP banned.

Issue with IPs: Proxy Servers

IP banning is only useful against people who are technologically illiterate to the point where they can’t use google. Someone who’s created a bot clearly isn’t, so the amount of work needed to set up that system would be a waste.

Arguably, it’s worse than nothing because you’d be banning whole schools if they made a school group and all joined it.

ROBLOX has a captcha on account creations after you create (3?) accounts in a row – it’s not a bot.

And I’d like to point out that if they go the obvious route and try to use a proxy, they won’t be able to create an account. ROBLOX does some weird thing to their creation page that proxies block – go try to create an account with any popular proxy.

Captchas can be faked. They are computer generated, after all. And I seriously doubt someone is making thousands of alts manually. There’s no way.

No, they’re these types:

Those can’t be cracked – they’re not computer generated. If someone was able to crack those then they’d hit headlines like Google did, but my guess is that they don’t work for Google and don’t have access to Google’s captcha-breaking code. It’s even further made harder because it has a non-white background.

Then they must have a way to get around inputting a captcha. There’s absolutely no way someone is manually making all of these accounts.