Group Locked after warning for group description?

I sent an appeal but I want feedback on this from people because this seems pretty unfair/extreme for what happened.

I had a minor thing in my groups description saying to join my groups socials to get updates on things, no links or anything just that. Roblox warned me today for “leading users off platform” which seems unfair since I didn’t provide links and they couldn’t see our socials unless they are 13+ anyway. But I was like okay I will just fix the description to fix that and get rid of it to find out my group was completely locked out.

It sounds completely unfair, I don’t see why it would be this extreme for this kind of issue which was really minor and fixable. Do they unlock groups? I have UGC in my group and it was making a lot of Robux and now I am extremely upset as I spent months building up my group for nothing now over something super small. Does anyone else have any experience with these kinds of things happening? Is it possible to get my group back?


So, just to summarise, you included Social Links and asked people in the Description to join them, that’s all? Did you perhaps include any specific platforms, or did you just ask users to look at your group’s Social Links?

If that’s the case, then yes, it might be pretty extreme. I know that several Cafe groups place their Discord invite links in their Description instead of their social servers, but I don’t think they suffered any moderation action, at least not to the point of their group locking.

It could be either a new Moderation thing that Roblox’s testing out.

Yes, but the only way are through Appeals. Responses can come in excruciatingly slow or not to your favour. You might have to try several times before your Appeals gets accepted.


I did not include any links or even the names of the platforms. I just said to join our social servers for updates which isn’t even descriptive of which platform I am talking about or if it’s an outside platform at all. There was only one link at the end of the description which was a link to my Roblox profile and I said to follow my Roblox profile. I feel like someone misinterpreted what I said and just jumped on moderating it for no reason. I see almost every Roblox game have something like join our socials in the descriptions of the game. But my group gets moderated for that minor wording which had no mention of other platforms at all. I never put our links in publicly viewable areas. I always keep them in the API settings for the social links like I am supposed to. I feel like who ever moderated it was just assuming. I don’t see this as something to completely lock a group over.


If that’s really the case, then you’ll probably have to wait until the Moderators have to carefully check your group’s description when they read your appeals.

It can be really frustrating, but waiting is quite literally the key. I still wish you all the best on your Appeals.


You are not alone in this.

I just had my almost 5k airline locked for the exact same thing despite the description being within the Roblox TOS and having been up for months. I just put a large amount of robux down on ads so thought It might have triggered something with the moderation.

Do update when you get a response, I just submitted an appeal. Hope you get the group back.


Thank you I will update when I get a response. It just seems ridiculous and unfair for this specific case since I did not say anything about which socials. I just said to check our socials. The users can’t see our socials unless they are 13+ to begin with so I don’t know why I was moderated for that. I can’t lead people off platform with no links or anything. I guess it’s super vague in that area but I don’t think I should be completely locked out for a misunderstanding like that when it was just a warning I was given. They acted like I had my link or named which socials in the description which I didn’t at all. All I had linked was my Roblox profile at the end and asked people to follow my Roblox profile.

Hey, A group i work for (Obakyu) also had this exact issue and our group remains locked…
most of our staff members gave up and are moving towards a new group, But that group had almost 300k+ robux in funds… We also sent a appeal to roblox but no avail, Man it really sucks :confused:
my plan for now is as you guys have mentioned, Continue sending appeals till they finally accept.
if that doesnt work no matter what though, maybe we will try protesting on twitter… basically the last resort

Ya it’s ridiculous over small wording. I have yet to receive any kind of correspondence in 5 days since I sent my appeal.


Yep. 10 days now since my appeal and nothing from Roblox, not even a confirmation of it being sent for review like some users have. (aside from the automatic reply)

One of my friends got their group unlocked without an appeal out of nowhere. But they still have their literal discord link in the group description even after it was unlocked… if my appeal gets denied I am gonna be angry.

In the group config, you can add up to three links to social websites. Go figure.

Still no reply from support in almost 15 days now. This is ridiculous. I get replies back from the DMV within 24 hours and Roblox can’t handle an appeal in 2 weeks. These are the most ridiculous wait times ever.

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Yeah as you said, close up to 15 days now for an appeal. I really don’t quite understand what’s taking so long.

It also seems to be random in some cases, with South Pacific waiting almost as long as us, but getting passed between departments over email before going silent. Then they sent a new appeal, following the advice of another group and got unlocked in roughly 24 hours. We’ve done the same and coming up to 3 days and still nothing. And some groups get randomly unlocked without a reply to appeal, or unlocked quickly even though we’ve been waiting over 2 weeks.

easyЈet - Roblox Just sad that it got taken down in the first place, I feel mostly confident that our appeal would be accepted, based on several other groups also being accepted. But I just don’t understand why its taken 2 weeks for what should be a relatively simple appeal.

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Ya this really makes no sense, and especially frustrating knowing that people who made new appeals got taken care of within 24 hours after us before our appeals and making us agonizingly wait. This is beyond ridiculous.

Update everyone: My group was just unlocked and the infraction was completely removed seems to have been a genuine mistake on Roblox’s end and it took over 20 days to get my appeal replied to. My group description was left untouched. I didn’t even get a copy and paste response. Seems like my groups moderation was a genuine mistake.


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