Group logo feedback

Hello Everyone,
I just Dropped my new group!
i made a logo, and i need some feedback please, thoughts?

(UTO Clothing - Roblox)


Great job, the group logo you have there looks perfect!

But, itā€™s strange how the background and the text font are the same colour.

Try changing one of them to another colour.

Overall, keep it up!

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as @h_unt said, change the color of the text to a darker shade of the background color to make it easier to see.

but other than that itā€™s really good

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Looks very good!

-Dont put too many white words over the picture. (it looks hard to see)
-The avatar seems low quality, and the hand is in a very wrong position :flushed:
-Background needs more quality!

Other than that, everything is beyond awesome!
Great work young developer!


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It looks very nice! The arm looks a little dislocated but thatā€™s all, keep up the good work :grin: :call_me_hand:

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His arm looks a little disabled

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The white words are watermarks to prevent stealingā€¦


I love it!
Maybe Re-Position his waving arm a bit, It kinda looks like itā€™s broken.
Good work!

ShEEEeEeeSh :cold_face:

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Looks nice! All the decent criticism points were already made, so ima just compliment it lol :nerd_face: :+1:

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Looks nice. All Iā€™m gonna suggest is to twist his arm so itā€™s facing the front. If you stick your hand up to wave youā€™ll see your arm and forearm point infront of you :slight_smile:

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personally i think the arm looks dislocated, nobody should wave their hand like that, lol. also, i think this would be more of a thumbnail for a cafe-type game, not necessarily a logo.

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it actually looks really nice!

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Love the character waving. The background is overused by a lot of simple GFX designers. Iā€™d recommend you start using renders of buildings to give a more realistic style.

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SHEEEEEeEeeesh :cold_face:

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My advice tbh would just be to make his arm per say more ā€œConnectedā€ because it looks like the entire limb will just fall of if waves again. But other then that great work.

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i cant stop laughing at that arm

I think the blue in the background needs to be toned down a bit since its the same color as the text and size the text up because in a group logo you canā€™t see text that small

plus you need to shorten down the text if you want to have a group logo imo
but ya, quite nice

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Eh, I still canā€™t see it, no matter the purpose. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ Fewer watermarks do work.

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Itā€™s pefect! but it looks like the left arm waved the wrong way-



bro what? :skull: its to ensure nobody steals his work


Epic group icon, just going to point out (like pretty much everybody else) that the person in it does seem to be having a problem with their arm there tho :sweat_smile:

well done

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