Group payouts are currently restricted what does this mean?

I recently went to my group to see that my group funds were restricted what does this mean for the funds in my group? also why did this happen my group isn’t new?


From my knowledge, it will happen if you recently switched group ownership, it might be because of the reasons within the screenshot but if not then previous reason i stated.
Restricted basically means you cant use it until it’s no longer restricted.


Group ownership hasn’t switched recently, also it’s been almost a week since this happened If you have any clue do you know when it possibly becomes unrestricted?


@itmetoby1 have these funds all come in recently? im pretty sure they do this when a group has a surge of income in a short period of time. it should be unrestricted in under 2 weeks.


They did come in earlier this week ill give it another week then!


Its been 7 days for me, still locked ;-;


The person who replied said 2 weeks so I think it could be another 7 days longer.

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Its now been almost 14 days idk, crazy how i have to wait a month to access my funds lol.

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It seems to vary quite a lot :sob: For one of my groups, it only took 2 days for the restriction to be lifted. For my latest game, my team and I have been waiting for around two weeks as well. A bit frustrating, especially since I need to use these funds to pay out developers and contributors.


Have yours become eligible yet?


It took me exactly 14 days to get them

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i think we wait 90 days. Funny :rofl:

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