Well currently I plan to pay people in my group Robux/Tix for earning Promotions and other things. But it would be nice to have a role permission for group Payouts to help give people their well earned Robux.
This would be very useful for groups that want to use group Payouts on a large scale and not having the owner doing all the Payouts.
I do see the risks of this but its the group owners fault for giving the permission in the first place anyway.
Wouldn’t that be like, extremely abused?
I can imagine some young kids enabling that for all ranks assuming it allows them to pay money to the group. :DDD
[quote] Wouldn’t that be like, extremely abused?
I can imagine some young kids enabling that for all ranks assuming it allows them to pay money to the group. :DDD [/quote]
Then surely a rename is required, perhaps “Can distribute group funds”
I wish there were more groups roles that distribute the leaders power, like allowing a certain rank to edit the group description. Though I wouldn’t want someone having full control over the group funds myself, I do still agree with this. My idea is that the owner of the group must check off a role that allows an individual receiving a recurring payout to forward a percentage of their received payout to another member within the group. Basically allowing you to adjust how much they can give out.