Group Payouts as a role permission

Well currently I plan to pay people in my group Robux/Tix for earning Promotions and other things. But it would be nice to have a role permission for group Payouts to help give people their well earned Robux.

This would be very useful for groups that want to use group Payouts on a large scale and not having the owner doing all the Payouts.

I do see the risks of this but its the group owners fault for giving the permission in the first place anyway.


Wouldn’t that be like, extremely abused?
I can imagine some young kids enabling that for all ranks assuming it allows them to pay money to the group. :DDD

[quote] Wouldn’t that be like, extremely abused?
I can imagine some young kids enabling that for all ranks assuming it allows them to pay money to the group. :DDD [/quote]

Then surely a rename is required, perhaps “Can distribute group funds”

Without any sort of restrictions on payouts I could see this being used by disgruntled high ranks to gut groups of their funds.

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I wish there were more groups roles that distribute the leaders power, like allowing a certain rank to edit the group description. Though I wouldn’t want someone having full control over the group funds myself, I do still agree with this. My idea is that the owner of the group must check off a role that allows an individual receiving a recurring payout to forward a percentage of their received payout to another member within the group. Basically allowing you to adjust how much they can give out.

This would be great, if only the owner got a confirmation PM first, to make sure that’s what the owner wants.

Same with description of the group idea, i think if there was a confirmation PM it would be fine


It just seems too impractical to give Payouts to 200+ People that earned a promotion.

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The amount of cash-scams thats going to be done would far exceed the benefits of this feature.