Group Ranking (promotions)

I don’t really know how to do this, but how would I do a group promotion script.

Easy configuration of the user just making a bot account and getting the cookie and pasting it into the script so the bot can rank the user, I have no idea how to do this, is there a script for this?z

don’t worry about this I givin up on it

There are many questions asking the same thing already. In the future look before you post. There is no way to exclusively do this in Roblox, but take a look at the post below. The repository has a module for lua that is pretty easy to use. All you have to do is setup and configure the web server then add the module to your game where you can configure and use it.


Thats confusing, Its like not clear

What about it isn’t clear? Have you looked at this? Noblox.js is a node library that allows you to do actions on Roblox with a bot account. There really isn’t any programming you need to do on the back end except add the cookie and your private key you want to use.

Still confused, glitch when I copy it just shows the default glitch files not the noblox.js files.

When you’re on the glitch homepage in the top right is a New Project button. Click that then select Clone from Git Repo. Enter into the text box that pops up, and click OK.

thats what I do
and I see this:

and I end up seeing this, Non of the files to be seen


From what i readed at #updates they are now working on group admin and they want to add some features including script promoting/demoting so if you can, wait a moment, if you cant wait, use bot as @Nucl3arPlays saied except, that i have better experience with heroku, bec with glitch, i had problem with process sleeping.

heroku is confusing to be honest, I really perfer glitch, But I would switch to that if theres a tutorial step by step.

Yeah sorry about that, glitch git cloning seems to not be working for some reason. If you go to this project, click the name, and remix it (see below, remix basically is cloning) you should be able to edit it and follow the rest of the instructions in my original post.

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this is just what i prefer, for me, glitch was confusing bec code was sleepig, but i used it for discord bot, so when you send direct url request, it will be ok

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im assuming cookie is the roblo security thingy for the bot, but key is for?

And even once I set this up how will it actually promote them in-game from a script

The key is to verify that it is your code that is calling the web api so it doesn’t let random people promote others. The Roblox module can be found here. Here is also an example from the github repo. You can find the domain in Share → Live Project in your glitch project.

local server = require(script.Parent.Server)
local domain = '' -- Make sure there is no http:// in here!
local key = 'YourKeyHere_ShouldBeLong'
local groupId = 555555 -- Your group ID.
local userId = game:GetService'Players':GetUserIdFromNameAsync'Shedletsky' -- The userId of the player you want to promote.
local api = server(domain, key, groupId)
print(api.message(userId, 'Subject', 'Body').message)

Oohhhh, I understand, I’m gonna go test this,

I keep getting this error:


Well userId is nil, and you can’t send http requests from Roblox on the client. Instead put the MouseButton1Click listener in a LocalScript and send the userId along in a remote event.

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Same error.


OnServerEvent always takes the player object first. In the arguments try putting player, userId and see if it works then.

Same error.
I did player,userId

Could you show your server script here please?