Group Ranking System Level/XP

This is something iโ€™m currently working on:


It seems very user friendly, which is good. But is it too good to be true? Like, have you considered rate limits and other limitations with apis when making this? If you have, is there restrictions and cooldowns in place and communication of that to the user?


Hmm, cooldowns are uneccary. We have levels so there is a time in between ranking,

Probably going to sell this or something. I guess you can check the video description to buy it.

The user isnโ€™t able to switch between ranks they can access? Or they can only switch to the highest one?

They can only switch to the one designated.

Also, this is going to be free for all users.

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Also, just letting the community know, this model will be 100% free, though you may need to pay for the hosting provider. We may create a hosting that will be 100% free and legit, join our group/communications for more info.

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You can test out the game here: