Group revenue made from games?

So I was wondering about making my game attached to a group and what would happen to the revenue made from that game. Would it go to the owner of the group or go into group funds, and if you wanted to retrieve that revenue would it have tax on it?

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the revenue made from the groups games would go to the group fund, and I think the tax happens once the purchase is made.

(5 robux) gamepass/clothing etc.

with tax: (3 robux) the 3 will go into the group fund.

If you give the 3 robux you have left to some one or yourself would it have a tax on it? Or can you devEx or buy things using group funds without moving them?

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no, you have to have the group funds in your account for you to devex - same with buying stuff.

also no, the tax won’t happen again if you give the funds to someone else/yourself in the group.

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