Group roleset charged 25 robux but doesn't make the role

I attempted to make a new group roleset on my group:

Omidtek - Roblox

It charged me for it but didn’t make the role in the group.

The 25 R$ charge:

The role being missing (it should be rank 5, in between Esteemed Member and Administrator):

Expected behavior

It should ideally make the role after charging the 25 robux fee, or it should refund. Deducting the amount of the role and then not creating it is not the intended behaviour.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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try refreshing the page, usually fixes it

Yes, refreshing the page may help also why did you make a topic on this? It is Only 25 robux and can easily be resolved by simply refreshing the page

Did refreshing the page work? That would be the first thing I’d try.

I don’t know why he is not responding but we have ALL mentioned that

I clicked the link and went to his group, and it appears that it DID INDEED take his robux and not add another role, because there’s only 3 roles on the group as shown in the image. Either he deleted the role by mistake or it’s a glitch on Roblox’s end.

The role seems to exist now?

Thanks! It just took a few hours to load, I guess.

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