Group search issue with punctuation in title

When searching for groups, if the group has punctuation, it seems to destroy the searchability of the group title.

For example, a group I’m helping with “Style Stars!!” doesn’t appear anywhere when searching “style stars”. This seems like an unintended result in search for groups.

Would it alleviate the issue if they made the group “Style Stars !!” instead? With a space?

Expected behavior

I’d expect a search for “Style Stars” to bring up “Style Stars!!” group as one of the first results. Ideally search results would not have punctuation or other characters of that sort influence the search results for terms / titles.


So, so sorry for the late response. We’re aware of this one. We’ll get back to you when we have an update.

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When searching for groups we show groups that are an exact match to the search term first and then show groups with similar names ordered by how relevant they are to the user after. This means if you search for “Style Stars” the group “Style Stars!!” might not show up on the first page if there are other groups with similar names that are more relevant to the user. For me the “Style Stars!!” group showed up on the second page of the search results when searching for “Style Stars”.

“Starsphere Tycoons” and “The Flamingo Fan Club” and “Rodny Roblox” (some of the first page group results I get) do not seem like higher search relevancy when searching for “style stars” than a group called “style stars!!”.

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