Group store not showing game experience and new clothes

Hey all, I recently uploaded a bunch of new clothing items on my group as well as created a new homestore game for this group.
However, the game nor the recently uploaded clothing have been shown in my group page. I’ve waited for almost a week for them to show up but to no avail.
Everything was working perfectly fine until this issue popped up.

For context, here’s my current group page:
It does not show the experience tab, as well as the latest uploaded clothes.

Here’s a photo of the recently uploaded clothes that are not shown in the group store:

Here’s the link to the experience:

The game is set on public mode; players can join.
I believe it’s supposed to be shown in my group page.

Is this happening to other users as well? I’m not too sure if I have done anything that may affect this.
Please help me, thank you.

Hey all, turns out it was very likely a bug, and all I did to fix it was putting the clothing off sale then put it back on sale. I’m glad I’m able to fix it.
And for the experience issue, GoldyPaki’s solution worked.

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Hello, for the group game make sure you allowed the group experience are visible:
Configure group > Setting > Group experiences are visible on the group home page > ON
As for clothing, I don’t have much of an idea.

For clothing, I saw that it was like an “Unavailable Items”
I don’t know why this is put as Unavailable Items.

Oh I see, thank you for your help! The experience showed up but the clothing one, I’ll try to report this issue to roblox and hopefully they can recover these clothing.

Thank you though, really appreciate it. : )