Group transactions/sales tab doesn't update with new downloads/purchases

Since Sept 3, at around 7 PM my transactions hasn’t updated since. I thought people were just not as active suddenly but found out its not updating after watching people download it within a call. Furthermore, I’ve downloaded Sept’s sales CSV and it’s also not updating.

Group: Dev Equip - Roblox

System Information: AMD Ryzen 3 4100 4-Core Processor, 24 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Browser Information: Chrome 128 on Windows 10

Expected behavior

Has to update and show latest downloads/purchases. It’s also suppose to add the sales to the CSV that you can download.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Are these creator store assets? If so, these transactions now have a dedicated transactions page over on the creator dashboard.

That page isn’t functional on my Group, it’s displaying only 5 random sales and I’ve had over 20k. There is no filter or date applied.