Group Wall Filtering

Group Wall Filtering / Settings

I own multiple large groups on Roblox and find myself constantly having to delete spam messages like the ones posted below. I am curious if Roblox could find a way to allow us (the Developers) to add some type of chat filtering where we can automatically delete posts with the words “Free” or “Robux” and possibly disable links as well. This would greatly improve community interaction and really shrink the amount of spam messages that take up space in my group wall/community.

Here are two groups you can check out:

These are communities I own and find myself having to delete spam messages every day in.

BAKE DA BABY: baftime - Roblox

Coast: Coast - Roblox


I second this - I really think it’d be beneficial for us to have more control over filtering the contents of our group walls without having to manually delete each message. Something that could be helpful is the ability to ban certain keywords (e.g. “free”, “robux”), or even detect a message as ‘spam’ if it’s posted 2/3 times in a row (which alternatively could be bypassed by these bots by having different message variants, so the keywords ban is probably the best option…)


This feature is a must. While it’s not too time consuming to manually go in and delete these myself, it gets quite annoying and really makes the group wall appear unprofessional when it gets bombarded with spam posts. A lot of the time, users will try and use the group wall to give feedback or report bugs they encounter within the game. This becomes very hard to sift through when the wall gets filled with spam as seen in the examples posted by OP. Definitely would love this feature to be added!

This feature would be awesome. In the meanwhile until Roblox does add this, we’ve had to develop our own group wall auto-mod that was annoyingly hard to create with Roblox’s IP-based cookie resets.

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Manually deleting each spam message is very tedious. Missing just 1 day of deleting messages accumulates a ton of spam on the wall.

I’ve been getting these “share on 10 groups” spams which real players are also posting because, well, they’re probably just gullible children. I even get some spam in other languages such as Spanish.

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just disable the group wall for members

exactly, it has almost no use anyway. all it does is allow 8 year olds complain about something not being the way they want

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yep if you want your group members to have a discussion make a discord infinitely better than group walls

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