Groups now ordered by Primary -> Owned -> Other

Could we PLEASE have Folders for groups? I know a lot of people have LOTS of Sub-groups for their main group and would probably LOVE to hide those on their list in a folder, myself included. Or just being able to group similar groups together! My point is made, folders please.


My friend and I are having the same problem. It’s only showing our primary, won’t let us do one-time payouts and will not show all the ranks.

A very much appreciated update.

I have previously suggested this on group configuration update, but myself and many others would appreciate the ability to search through transactions from specific users, this allows us to verify purchases easily instead of having to go through hundreds of individual pages. Not only this, we still do not have data on the commissions received from group games when someone makes a purchase of a catalog item, which is something we can see from games uploaded to our profiles.


This is an amazing update! I think it will come in super useful when finding groups.


Finallyyyy, this is MUCH more organized than before. Thanks for the update!

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What’s next is fixing the group search in the top search bar… (if you want to know what I am talking about, check out my reply in Float certain groups…

Thanks for the organizational features! This definitely will call down that hint of OCD in me.

Thank you for this change, now only if groups themselves finally got a overhaul, the group wall is a terrible place to actually communicate.

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I have to admit, I’m more impressed with the effort put into the screenshot rather than the actual feature update!

But seriously though, this is a great step in the right direction. Big quality of life fix for many people I’m sure. It would be great in the future if we were able to sort them however we would like. Kinda like Discord servers?

anyways cheers to the good update!

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Thank you for making this amazing update!! Btw, are those real groups?

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Really cool update, I really like it!

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I agree. While this is a huge improvements for the organization of the group page, there may be some users that don’t want all of their owned groups to be listed so high. Maybe users could be given the ability to manually sort the order their groups show up in.

This is a great feature but I don’t know if its just me, but sometimes the only group that shows is the Primary group and nothing else. This could be just me but just putting this out there.

The next thing that could be fixed is now the search bar for groups because it I might want to find a group such as The Jedi Order but then all kind of different things that are not close to what I searched for.


I noticed that, thank you for the update though! Much less cluttered.

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I originally thought this was just a bug lol, glad to know the meanings now. Thanks!

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Love this update! I noticed the difference before reading this post and was sort of confused, personally I think it would look and feel much better if “owned” and “other” were divided in a similar way that the primary group is divided instead of a confusing gray line. Could even add a label above each category.

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Definitely a good feature, especially if you are in a lot of groups. Personally this helped me a lot in a lot of stuff such as promoting my game testers and ect… now I don’t need to look for the group, It’ll be on the top which is great!

Thanks for this future and everyone who helped make this happen! :slight_smile: :purple_heart:


This seems like a race condition and i can’t reproduce it personally, but have had a couple reports so i made a change that might fix it?? Let me know if you see it again and i’ll re-investigate.

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hey it’s next week and it’s done :tada:


Thank goodness. I was hoping Roblox would bring a feature like this us. :pray:

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Awesome Update to the group page! I love that you guys are really looking on the group features and improving it day by day! :roblox: :roblox_light: