Groups now ordered by Primary -> Owned -> Other

Now THIS is a great update. I always got sick of having to scroll all the way down to access one of the groups I owned, just because its name started with a T and the list went in alphabetical order. This makes things so much easier now.

Cheers, mates!


This is a great update! Now my groups are easier to manage. :slightly_smiling_face:


What a nice QoL feature. It truly is the little things in design that make it all beautiful.


Totally agree! Would love to have this implemented in the future.

Would also be cool to have a feature allowing for users to make sections & color-coded labels! Quick example I made.


Amazing update! It’s so much easier to manage groups now! Thank you! :smile:

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Thank you for this update! It’s great. Keeps things well organized and helps us manage our groups better! :partying_face:

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I love this update. Thank you very much. This thing is gonna be really helpful, especially for people that has more than 50+ groups. :heart:

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Hey, this is pretty useful. I own about ~10 doge groups and I relied on them all starting with “doge” to be grouped together.

Now they’re all grouped nice and fit!!

I also support this:

and this:

I would love to see a “Search” option with prebuilt filters we could use such as “Highest Rank” or “Lowest Rank” or “Most Active In” for examples.

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Thanks so much @BitwiseAndrea! I appreciate your continued improvements to the website. Keep up the good work!

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maybe have the small divider disappear when there are no groups above of it


A very good update, this could improve that wasting my time on scrolling down to find the group I am trying to find! :+1:

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Thank you!

This helps me manage my groups better!

Continue with the good work! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I saw the group page before seeing this. It made me so happy seeing that, much easier to find groups now!


Will there be a time when we can have multiple primary groups?

Thank you sooooooo much I love this new update.

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Was the 0-255 Rank ever considered an option in ordering groups? Though they vary in their assigned values I still feel it might have been a cool idea.


Uh- did someone forget to center the bar?


I really like the new update, makes it much easier to navigate through your groups!


nope, scrollbar claims that space on the side so any of the things in the list have a bit of space to the right. Just more visible on the divider.


Ah, ok. Looks a bit odd for me because I have so many groups the scroll bar gets pushed all the way to the top. :joy:

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