GroupServices PromptJoinGroup

Currently, the only way to join a group is directly through the website or group page.
A lot of games, rely on their community to grow or, have cool in-game perks for group-members which is great and it benefits everyone!

The problem is…
For mobile and Xbox players, they would have to leave the game entirely to join the group. There is also the possibility that when the player leaves the game after playing they’ll forget to join. If the player is on Desktop, then it is easy to tab out or leave the game and join the group, but then that takes the player out of the experience.

Recently, groups have been going through a lot of changes so something like this would be plausible and could be put on the roadmap. If you’re able to purchase premium in-game I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to join a group.

It can also use similar naming to the MarketPlaceService & PromptPurchase

GroupService:PromptJoinGroup(Player, groupId) -- prompts player to join group
GroupService.PromptJoinGroupFinished -- can tell us when the prompt gets closed

“Simply” that’s all I’m asking for. Once the prompt gets closed we can just
use GroupService:GetGroupInfoAsync() to see if they ended up joining.


I fully support this, however, this is a copy of another post. Please post your support for this feature on that post.

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My bad, I searched Prompt Join Group and other keywords I used and I didn’t find that thread when first searching.


Duplicate of post linked above

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