GTA style Game Feedback

I remade the GTA UI…but in roblox style. What could I improve?

designed using Figma and Photoshop.



It looks super cool, did you do all this yourself?


My only suggestion is that the phone should be moved up and to the right more so it’s consistent with the minimap UI.


Nice UIs, the designs are very nice
If you move in this game, wouldn’t the joystick and jump button be blocked?

Keep up the good work

The phone should be moved a bit to the right, but otherwise this is epic.

Nice style but missing an body armor next to health.

As for the 3rd picture. I would not recommend using that off-site link by that url.

Because ROBLOX don’t allow off-site link

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the website isn’t real but still I’d reccomend not putting links

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thanks for letting me know, i actually did not think about that

yep! I mainly specialize in world design but I’ve been working on my craft for UI design

I feel like you should move up parts of the UI if you are making it for mobile because of where the move and jump buttons are is being overlapped by the UI

UI would be moved for mobile controls, similar to how jailbreak does it.

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The UI is really nice for the style you were going for, and I really like it!

Although there are 2 things that I have noticed that might need changes:

  1. It would look much better if you remove the number on the health bar that shows the current health, as most modern UI styles don’t add numbers on top of bars.
  2. Just like @oofdog4526 said above, the phone should be moved more to the right and a bit up, as it should have the same padding offset as the map UI on the other side.
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thank you! I will take the health bar number into consideration…from my own experience I find that health bars should be more informative rather than ‘aesthetically pleasing’ since its a very important feature in the game that indicates life or death.

as for the phone UI I fixed it :slight_smile: I actually made it offset on purpose since I figured from a practical perspective looking at the corner of your screen to see the buttons your pressing would be harder while driving 80+MPH around the map

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update: added work in progress internet browser with different page thumbnails and added a weapon wheel

Looks really clean! Off top I would suggest a less aggressive shadow for the topbar on the 4th image. A slight shadow would make more sense for a web browser and look less cartoony

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This is really cool, however I fear your game might get taken down from the URL bar on the top of the internet browser.

yeah thats a concern I have too. I will ask around and find out eventually but right now im not too worried about it

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Very well made! Now place this in a GTA-style game and it would be perfecto!

Wouldn’t it break the TOS as simulating actions of crimes?

The phone almost reminds me of APandaWithNoName’s GTA style game phone.