Hi friends!
We have reached 5,000 members in less than a month and version two is coming as faster than ever - and we have some great stuff to inform you about!
Explore the public releases we decided to put out:
PETS will be added! You can spend in-game currency for different types of crates, with endless possibilities of different pets! Thank @SkyKurr and @JackEnforcement for scripting the works, and @LuciferVonhart for modeling the pets!
PREMIUM will have a lot of different features. Enjoy a penthouse, a custom chat tag, a cool emoji above your head and you can’t forget that you have donor perks!
The STAFF TABLET system by @JackEnforcement (our Head Developer) will be implemented, so you can be more interactive with customers than ever! This includes sale tracking (which you can be promoted for automatically!) and putting on clothing on the user all the while by being right by their side! Customers can also rate the service, which will act a bonus for a promotion!
A new BUILDING will be designed by @LuciferVonhart and will be amazingly low poly, therefore I can proudly say, we’ll be supporting both PHONE and TABLETS!
Let’s just say we completely REVAMPED everything, and it is for sure to be something excited about.
As always, have fun and game on!